For international students

Acceptance of International Students at Miyagi Gakuin High School
Miyagi Gakuin is a school founded by missionaries of the Reformed Church in the United States.
Therefore, we value students respecting diverse nationalities. Miyagi Gakuin High School is looking for international students who wish to learn Japanese in school based on Christian spirit.
Acceptance system
1. Course Information

Students wishing to go to a Japanese university will mainly take the SOGO SHINGAKU course(総合進学コース).
If students want to take advantage of advanced English ability to go to a Japanese or foreign university, they can enroll in the GLOBAL COMMUNICATION course. Each course has lessons of thirty-seven(37)hours per week. After school, they can do club activities. After club activities, they can receive various classes, such as Japanese class at the Study Mall on the campus until they return to the dormitory. If they register for the Global Communication course, they can take English lessons for ten(10)to eighteen (18)hours. For three(3)to eight(8)hours, they will learn English presentations, debates and essay writing skills from a native teacher.
2. Courses Selection
International students can register for the SOGO SHINGAKU course(総合進学コース)or the GLOBAL COMMUNICATION course.
3. Japanese Class

All lessons except English classes will be conducted in Japanese. Therefore, as soon as students enter the school, they will focus on Japanese lessons. This is very important for students to become accustomed to Japanese schools and keep up with Japanese classes.
Miyagi Gakuin High School gives Japanese lessons of about fourteen(14)hours per week from the time of admission to summer vacation. International students will participate in all classes that use Japanese with a Japanese students from September in the first grader.
This classes are based on the curriculum of Japan. international students will continue Japanese lessons after school. We support until international students can get N1 or N2 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test at the time of graduation. International students can participate in club activities.
Academic and Career Counseling
For Japanese Universities

When entering a Japanese university, it is necessary to get N1~2 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. To that end, it is important to be able to receive Japanese classes with Japanese students first.
So Miyagi Gakuin High School prepares intensive Japanese classes in the first half of the first grader so that international students can get N4~N5 on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Also, after school, Japanese language supplemental lessons are conducted. these lessons can be registered until graduation. International students can take the entrance examinations of Japanese universities by taking advantage of Japanese, English, mathematics and other abilities.
For Overseas Universities
Miyagi Gakuin High School supports studying abroad. We are in contact with universities around the world. In 2018 we will hold individual consultation sessions for twelve(12) universities at our school. In order to ensure that students go to overseas universities, we plan to offer English supplemental lessons to achieve a score of 60~100 points on the TOEFL iBT.
For Miyagi Gakuin Women's University
International students can enter Miyagi Gakuin Women's University by recommendation.
(Some departments are unable to enroll)For details, please check the English website of Miyagi Gakuin Women's University at(
Main Cost
tuition fee | 777,000 yen/year |
Other expenses are about | 390,000~450,000 yen/first year |
※Texts, uniforms, gym clothes etc are excluded.
For Returnees students
上海日本人学校 浦東校からの帰国生
- アメリカ人宣教師が多数教鞭を執ってきたキリスト教学校であるため、創立以来130年を超える多様性を尊重する気風が息づいている。留学生が在籍しているため様々な文化で育ってきた生徒を受け入れる気風がある。
- グローバルコミュニケーションコース(入学時に選択)を設けており、英語の時間数が高1 で 8 単位、高2で 11 単位、高3で 12 単位まで増単した中で英語力を保持することができ る。グローバルコミュニケーションコースには海外からの留学生が在籍することもあり、授 業に奥行きがある。ネイティブの授業は、高1で 6 単位、高2で 9 単位、高 3 で 10 単位で あり、高 1 で英語コミュニケーションI、English Presentation、高2で英語コミュニケー ションII、English Presentation and Discussion、高 3 で英語コミュニケーションIII、Academic Writing、English Debate となっている。
- 高2、高3のGC生徒のGTECの平均スコアは969点で、これは英検準1級相当です。これは「海外の高校の授業に参加できるレベル」です。
- 国際基督教大学や明治大学、同志社大学、宮城学院女子大学への指定校推薦枠を持つ「特別進学コース」を2019年度より設置。
- 2024 年度よりネイティブ教員によるオールイングリッシュの授業を選択できるグロー バルスカラー選択を設置。
- 青山学院大学、立教大学、法政大学、東北医科薬科大学、東北学院大学、宮城学院女子大学などへの指定校推薦枠を持つ「総合進学コース」を2019年度より設置。
入試広報部長 鈴木康明